JESUS MAgnified

In Long Beach As In Heaven

The Mission

418 Ministries Is A Multigenerational Prayer Mobilization Ministry for Long Beach and the Next Generation.

Our Mission is For God’s Kingdom to Impact every area of life, and for Jesus to be Magnified in Long Beach as in Heaven.

“Our Father in Heaven, Hallowed be Your Name. Your Kingdom Come, Your Will be Done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.”

—Matthew 6:9-10

Rocket Boosters & Regional Thrust

The Breakthrough Power of Prayer

The Mission in a Metaphor

418 Ministries is a Jet Propulsion Laboratory in the Spirit.  Our purpose is to engineer regional thrust for a multigenerational move of God — kingdom breakthroughs, kingdom equipping, and kingdom fullness.

In modern two-stage orbital rocketry, nearly 90% of a rocket’s total thrust comes from a cluster of engines that compose the booster stage.  The purpose of this first stage is to break through earth’s gravitational pull, powering the rocketship to the edge of the atmosphere.  The second stage then puts the payload into orbit.

Prevailing prayer is to the mission of God’s kingdom what rocket boosters are to space shuttles — a stage-one spiritual breakthrough of second-heaven demonic resistance, powering us into the plans and purposes of God for a region.  Prayer sparks and sustains a move of God, because prayer connects us to the Fire and the Fuel — and it’s “not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord!” (Zechariah 4:6)

Front to back, the bible bears witness to the spiritual reality of the breakthrough power of prayer.

Jesus' first two sets of kingdom forerunners—the 12 & 72—are deployed with this command, “Pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to thrust laborers into his harvest” (Matt 9:38, Luke 10:2)

The first church devotes themselves to unceasing prayer with one accord, and in a single day, 120 becomes 3000, as all get lit suddenly with fire-power from on high for the flaming gospel (Acts 1-2).  

The early church then cries out for continued courage, and the place is shaken as they suddenly refuel with the jet fuel of Jesus — the Spirit of divine boldness and miracle-multiplying power (Acts 4:23-31).

Cornelius' prayers then break the sound barrier between Jew & Gentile (Acts 10), and Antioch’s furnace of fasted worship launches the triple-stage archetype of cross-cultural missions (Acts 13).

The examples are endless.  Whether it’s Daniel’s 21-day fast for breakthrough insight (Daniel 10), or Jesus’ 40, binding the devil and inaugurating the in-breaking of the kingdom (Luke 4), the principle is the same: prayer drives the expansion of the kingdom of God. 

Like a stage-one rocket booster, this is the breakthrough power of prayer.

418 Ministries exists to develop clusters of “Prayer Engines” to power and sustain a move of God for Long Beach and beyond.  Long term & Lord willing, a major ministry objective is to launch the next generation into orbit — a place of unceasing prayer & worship for unrivaled access to the heart, hand and face of God.

In Walter Wink’s famous words, “History belongs to the Intercessors.”  For us & for our children, Let Us Pray!

Prayer EngINES

How Do I Get Involved?

ENgine OnE

The Fire Corps


The Fire Corps is a Men’s Intercession Army for Long Beach, pursuing the fullness of God and His Kingdom for us, our families, and the next generation. Membership is a 9-month commitment to bi-weekly early morning prayer, including discussion & basic prayer training.  Each year, a new unit of men is added to the corps.  Our founding year was 2024.

Our God is a Consuming Fire, and we are His Burning Ones.


    • Men, 18 +

    • Hungry to Grow in God with other men

    • Long Beach is our focus, but living in Long Beach is not required

    • We are multigenerational & multicongregational

    • 9 months | Mar - Nov 2025

    • bi-weekly morning prayer - ONLINE 5:30-7a (days TBD)

    • Quarterly Sat morning mtgs - IN PERSON (day, time & place TBD)

    • 1 chapter of reading bf each online mtg (12 pg avg)

  • We are committed to:

    1. The Bible as the Final Authority of Faith & Practice

    2. The basic doctrines of the Christian Faith (see classic creeds: Apostles, Athanasian, Nicene)

    3. The Bible's clear teaching on sexuality & gender (see Nashville Statement)

    4. The full ministry of the Holy Spirit, in us, among us, & through us.

I came to ignite fire on the earth!
— Jesus, King of kings, Lk 12:49

We Light Fires for God

ENgine TWO



ENgines TO Come

If my people

Who Are Called By My Name

Humble themeselves,

and Pray

And seek my Face

And turn

from their Wicked ways,


I will hear from heaven

and will Forgive their sin,

And Heal their Land.

— 2 Chronicles 7:14